Times People Put Some Humor Into Classic Art

Classical art is unique and has easy-to-identify stylistic choices that seem to get more complex the more you talk to any overly enthusiastic art history student. But if you don’t want to be bored by all that and just want to enjoy classical art with a modern twist, then the internet has got you.

By adding cheeky captions and inventing hilarious dialogue, the internet’s collective comedic chops shine through in these old masterpieces, proving that humour transcends eras.

As it turns out, a few well-placed words can transform even the most dignified artwork into comedy gold. 

Ready to laugh? Go for it!

# 1.

# 2.

# 3.

# 4.

# 5.

# 6.

# 7.

# 8.

# 9.

# 10.

# 11.

# 12.

# 13.

# 14.

# 15.

# 16.

# 17.

# 18.

# 19.

# 20.

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