We all like to think we are above it, don’t we? Free spirits, live-and-let-live types. But let’s be honest: if you catch somebody wearing socks with sandals or loudly shouting a phone conversation while on loudspeaker, we all become honorary members of the Silent Judgement Society.
We may dress up our judgment and call it observation or mild curiosity, but deep down, there’s a tiny inner critic sipping tea and raising an eyebrow at the guy cutting his toenails on public transportation. While some of us may be discreet about our disdain, others might as well print “I’m judging you” on a neon sign and wear it as a hat.
The truth is that life is a spectrum, nay, a buffet of questionable behaviour, and we’re all here with our metaphorical plates, picking out the stuff that makes us go, ‘oh, honey, no.”
Reddit, the internet’s unofficial confessional, recently tackled this topic in style. One curious soul asked, “What’s the one thing you secretly judge people for?” and wow, did the responses deliver? It turns out that humanity’s capacity to be endlessly entertaining is still intact.
So, buckle up, buttercup, because you are about to dive headfirst into a pool of pet peeves, quirks, and downright cringe. Just remember: it’s all fun and games until you realize you’re the one being judged for something ridiculous (or hilarious).
#1. Having zero situational awareness, i.e., people who stop in the middle of the street, walk sideways, walk slowly, say hi to friends in a doorway… smh.

#2. Switching lanes without the blinker

#3. Gossiping about others. That tells me they’d gossip about me too.

#4. How they treat waitstaff and service workers.

#5. Unruly kids in restaurants. Or airports.

#6. How attention-hungry they are; I don’t like being around people who are constantly seeking attention; they come off as childish.

#7. Too much facial filler. Especially the big lips. Also, snuffleupagus eyelashes.

#8. Leaving a public restroom without washing their hands I’m silently judging and keeping my distance!

#9. Dirt under their fingernails. Long fingernails on men.

u/Legitimate_Rule_6410, Ernesto Andrade
#10. Having overweight kids.

#11. Not returning their shopping cart absolutely sends me! You’re a jerk and are lazy. I’m judging you.

#12. When they cut people off mid-sentence.

13. People who try to go into an elevator before everyone gets out.

#14. Taking selfies in the restroom, especially with a John in the background.

15. The aspects of their private life they share on social media.

16. People who don’t pick up their dog’s poop. Especially in public parks or in communities where kids would want to play.

#17. Watching a video, listening to music, podcasts, or reading audiobooks without headphones in public. The same goes for using a speakerphone and having a phone call where you’re talking very loudly.
Not training their dogs. If your dog is so out of control that you have to physically keep it from lunging at someone who’s literally just walking past, you have a problem. (If your dog is just trying to say hi that’s fine)

#18. Chewing with their mouth open.

19. How loud they are. I don’t like people who don’t have an indoor voice.

20. Conversation skills.
If they’re quiet or shy that’s fine, I get it, I’m an introvert and fairly private. But if they are dominating the conversation with constant talk of only themselves and not contributing in a meaningful way, I am absolutely judging.

21. Cutting in lines.