Over the years of sharing hacks, we must have heard thousands, many of which we promptly forget. Some, however, have stuck around for much longer for one simple reason; they work!
We have found that these hacks are simple and easy to remember. Ready to make your day easier? Let’s do this.
1. Pencil Trick For Your Zipper

Image by sewingdirectory
When your zipper is stuck, grab a pencil and gently rub the tip over the zipper rails. This will leave a thin layer of graphite on the rails, helping the zipper to glide smoothly.
2. Got Gum? Get Ice
Do you want to remove gum from a surface without it spaghettifying into a mess of strands that lead to surface damage the more you try to pry it away? Well, science comes to the rescue. Gum hardens when exposed to very low temperatures. It becomes like a pebble you can easily scrape off. Grab an ice cube and have at it!
3. DIY with Nails Safely
One of the most common accidents when hammering is getting your own finger in the mix. The pain is…unbearable, depending on how hard you smash it. So, why don’t you grab a clothespin, use it to hold the nail like tweezers, and presto, your hand is safely away from the impact zone?
4. Clean Up Pet Hair With Wet Gloves

image by Van3ssa
To be specific, we mean medical gloves. When they are wet, just run them over upholstery or carpets to attract and gather pet hair, making cleanup a breeze. We don’t know how well this would work for larger amounts of hair. It is excellent for those little stubborn hairs, for sure!
5. Homemade Cleaner with 2 Ingredients
Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. This solution is a grease remover and disinfectant that smells fresh. It is perfect for kitchens and bathrooms where getting rid of any funky smells is important.
6. Easy Blinds Wipe
Grab an old sock that has some structural integrity left to it, holes notwithstanding. If it can fit over your hand like a nice mitten, you are ready to go. Wiping down blinds this way gives you more dexterity to get into corners. Socks attract dust, which makes the job even easier.