31 Things You Can’t Believe You Can Die From

When death is mentioned, normally, it’s not a welcome topic for most people. It is a dreaded thing that most of us would want to pretend it doesn’t exist. Yet, death is a certain tragedy that every living creature has to encounter someday.

For overthinkers like me, we have so many lingering questions that we never find answers for. Like, what will be the cause of my death? And what would happen after that? I know you have paused to try to answer these questions, but, buddy…there are no answers! Well, some world religions could try to answer these, but I am not ready to go down that lane of debate.

Since the dawn of mankind, approximately 108 billion people have walked on earth and passed away. That prompted one Reddit user {Mairon3791} to pose this question: “What’s an actual cause of death so extremely rare that it’s hard to believe it’s possible?”.You won’t believe some of the things you can die from.

1. A Falling Dog Causes Three Deaths.

2. A Sneeze

3. Laughter!

4. A Turtle

5. Fatal Familial Insomnia

6. Beaver Bites

7. Scarf

8. Getting Stuck Face-first in a Cave

7. Dying in Space

8. Drowning in an Elevator

9. Molar Sepsis

10. Drinking Too Much Water; Hold Your Wee for a Wii Challenge!!!

11. A Stray Bullet

12. Swallowing Molten Metal

13. A Stray Bullet

14. Dancing to Your Death

15. Alarm Electrocution

16. A Deer’s Kick

17. Lightning

18. Erotic Asphyxiation

19. Heartbreak

20. Comical Death

21. Die While Trying!

22. Chocking on Pens

23. Gassing Yourself to Death

24. A Sinkhole

25. Drowning in the Desert

26. Pretending to be a Snake

27. Tripping Over Your Beard

28. Metal Straw

29. By the Tip of a Skyscaper

30. Swallowing Your Tongue, Really?

31. Just for Being a Bystander!

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